Obregon Visitors’ week / Dia de Campo, CENEB 2020


We invite you to our annual visitors' week and field day / Dia de Campo at CENEB (Campo Experimental Norman E. Borlaug) on 16 March 2020.

Please register your attendance via the green 'Register Now' button.



During the field day you will tour the CENEB research station, getting insights into the latest research by our Breeding, Physiology, Pathology, Quality, Molecular Breeding and Sustainable Intensification teams. Starting at approximately 8am in the field, the day will conclude with presentations on Training and updates from our Regional Offices in Africa and Asia. Many visitors like to add specific meetings to their trip with individual or groups of our scientists, these should occur from the 17 onwards. You may contact the scientist(s) directly to arrange this, or via Teresa Rodriguez: m.t.rodriguez@cgiar.org 

Otherwise there will be optional additional tours and information available for those interested also occurring during the week of 16 March 2020. You may register your interest for these via this registration form.

About us

With our global partners, we join advanced science with field-level research and extension in low-and middle-income countries. We work to raise sustainable productivity, production and affordable availability of wheat for 2.5 billion resource-poor consumers who depend on the crop as a staple food.